Tag Archives: vendor programs

Now is the Time to Offer Financing (plus a toilet paper analogy!)

My last post mentioned a new type of equipment financing customer we are seeing: the company that used to pay cash for everything who is now starting to finance equipment purchases. And they are doing this to keep their own money safely in the bank while they make monthly payments on equipment.  So now, I will ask once… Read More »

Financing to Save Money – Literally!

As I write this, we’re right in the middle of the COVID-19… crisis? Situation? Quarantine? Whatever you want to call it, we’re all living it. Predictably, a lot of business activity has paused. With many businesses forced to shut down for a few weeks, it’s only normal that some companies put expansion or improvements on hold for a… Read More »

It’s a Question of Closing

I’ve spent the last few posts discussing companies offering financing to their customers. It’s easy, it’s profitable, and it’s become very necessary. However, there are some people that are still not convinced. They don’t see how offering financing can help them. I can hear them now: “I don’t care how my customers get the money.” (I’ve heard that).… Read More »

Why Aren’t You Offering Financing? (part 2)

Ok, last time I discussed businesses who sell equipment offering financing, and some of the assumptions companies have that keep them from doing such. My goal here is to show how inaccurate these assumptions are, and hopefully spark some interest to partake in this most excellent business activity. Last time, I reiterated that there’s no risk at all… Read More »