Tag Archives: small business financing

Blanket Liens Can Smother Your Business

We’re talking about lending restrictions in 2024, and first up is the notorious blanket lien. First let’s talk about liens in general. In business/lending, a lien is when a lender claims the right to property belonging to the borrower until the debt owed by that borrower is discharged. The mainstream talk on liens is usually related to vehicles.… Read More »

Two Extremes of Business Communication

I have a lot of equipment financing clients that I’ve known for years. Whenever we discuss business, the conversation usually starts with personal stuff, how’s the family, how are things going, etc.  I conversed with two last week, and it struck me how different they are in communication preferences. Client one, who we’ll call John, is old school.… Read More »

The Sound of Small Business USA

The other night, I was on YouTube looking at concert footage (I miss concerts!), and in my list of recommended videos were a few of the recorded testimonials we have on our company YouTube page. These are short (30 seconds to a minute and a half) recorded testimonials from real clients, all over the United States, and there… Read More »

How Large Does a Business Have to Be to Get Equipment Financing?

The classifications we use to describe businesses bothers me sometimes. For example, the Small Business Administration generally considers businesses with less than 500 people a “small business”. Fair enough, but does anyone really think a 450-person company is small? I sure don’t.  I also talk to many small business owners who feel the same way – they go… Read More »