Tag Archives: vendor programs

TVM and Section 179

Quick question: If I offered you one of three choices: $5,000 cash right now, $5,000 in a few years, or $1,000 a year for five years, which would you take?  Most of you would say $5,000 right now, which is the correct answer. There are a lot of reasons why most people feel this is the correct answer.… Read More »

Shortages Mean Opportunity Too

One thing that never changes is the media latches onto “bad” news much more than good news, and often, the bad news becomes the prevailing sentiment.  I’m not going to pretend I’m not influenced by that either – in this very blog I’ve recently been discussing shortages (both in materials and labor), rising inflation, rising interest rates, and… Read More »

Using Equipment Financing to Stay Ahead of Your Competition

Keeping up with the “reasons to finance equipment in 2022” theme, let’s talk about a favorite subject of business owners everywhere – getting the jump on your competition. Business is all about providing good products and services that are of value to your customer base. But competition is always going to exist – everything you do, your competitor… Read More »

Using Equipment Financing to Keep Pace With Your Competition

Next up in our series on “reasons to finance equipment in 2022”, let’s talk about using financing to keep pace with your competition. No matter what industry we are in, we always keep an eye on our competition. Which is smart – while we all like to think we’re “it” in terms of our industry, that isn’t true,… Read More »