Tag Archives: vendor programs

Is it Time for a New Finance Partner? Part 2

Last post I talked about B2B vendors who see financing as a true revenue-driving component to their operations. And how we, as a finance partner, help them use financing to better drive sales. Here are a few specifics that we engage in with our finance partners who want to get more out of their financing program. First are… Read More »

Is it Time for a New Finance Partner? Part 1.

Every now and again, I’ll write about B2B equipment sellers offering financing. And I sometimes look back and think if someone read it at the time and listened, they did well. For example, I posted a “why aren’t you offering financing?” series in January of 2020. Just one month after I posted, we began hearing about a possible… Read More »

Fletch Predicts: Rates Update

I usually don’t revisit my predictions midyear, but I want to make one further prediction for this year. And since I’m doing that, I may as well let you know I nailed my Warriors basketball prediction, my NHL prediction (Lightning) made the finals and my Mets prediction is looking pretty solid right now.  But the important one is… Read More »