Tag Archives: offer financing

Offering Financing to B2B Customers – Be Proactive

In my previous post, I discussed how easy offering financing was for equipment sellers, and how it was literally plug and play. Then I talked about being proactive about it. In this post, I’ll go one step further and discuss a few ideas on how you can be proactive about offering financing to B2B customers. None of these… Read More »

It’s a Question of Closing

I’ve spent the last few posts discussing companies offering financing to their customers. It’s easy, it’s profitable, and it’s become very necessary. However, there are some people that are still not convinced. They don’t see how offering financing can help them. I can hear them now: “I don’t care how my customers get the money.” (I’ve heard that).… Read More »

Let’s talk about companies offering credit (part 1)

  One thing that I really like about the internet is how easy it makes doing business (and offering equipment financing). Allow me a quick story to demonstrate this: Years and years ago, a friend of mine started an advertising business. Basically, he wanted to be a “small town ad agency” helping Mom and Pop businesses advertise. And… Read More »