Category Archives: Vehicle Financing

All Things Titled – Vehicles and Trailers

Business Vehicle Insurance – Overview

I was talking with an old friend the other day who has a successful landscaping company. And the subject of business vehicle insurance came up, and how he almost learned the hard way how important it is.  Let’s back up about 15 years – my buddy decided to start a landscaping business, and like many others, basically went… Read More »

Year-End Small Business Strategies for a Better 2023

Here we are, in the final days of 2022. It’s been an… interesting year, but we could say that for the last three years, right?  2022 was the year of inflation and interest rate hikes, both of which I’ve discussed at length in this blog. But there’s no getting around it – high inflation and rising interest rates… Read More »

Section 179 Summer 2022

Shall we check in on Section 179 now that we’re past the midpoint of 2022?  Honestly, I feel bad for Section 179, because all I’m seeing in the news is inflation and rates. I hear about how everything costs more. But I never hear about the single best business incentive ever invented: our friend Section 179. But it’s… Read More »

Reasons to Finance Equipment in 2022 – Keep Your Own Funds Liquid

I remember when I was about 14 years old. A few years of mowing lawns had built up my bank account to several hundred dollars. It was a lot of money for a kid back then. And it made me feel very secure. Money in the bank is a great feeling anytime. I also wanted a new videogame… Read More »

The Sound of Small Business USA

The other night, I was on YouTube looking at concert footage (I miss concerts!), and in my list of recommended videos were a few of the recorded testimonials we have on our company YouTube page. These are short (30 seconds to a minute and a half) recorded testimonials from real clients, all over the United States, and there… Read More »