Category Archives: Vehicle Financing

All Things Titled – Vehicles and Trailers

One more thing on vehicle leasing – a funny phone call we received

Being in the equipment financing business, we get a ton of interesting phone calls. And one we got last week qualifies as interesting, and also because I’ve been blogging a lot about automobile leasing, fits perfectly into a blog post. To first set the stage, I was recently discussing vehicle leasing and financing and similar, and what type… Read More »

The “hummer” tax break

It’s funny – all this time I’ve been writing about Section 179 and equipment financing, and I never really explained why Section 179 is sometimes referred to as “the Hummer Tax Break” (even though I’ve called it that numerous times here.) Way back in the early 90’s, a civilian version of the military’s “HumVee” was made available. And… Read More »

Vehicle Leasing and Financing 3 – So what type of vehicles DO equipment financing companies finance?

I talked last time about vehicle financing and leasing, and why equipment financing companies don’t finance passenger vehicles. The reason boiled down to these are not 100% business vehicles, and therefore come under the umbrella of “consumer debt” in the eyes of many, which almost all commercial lenders wish to avoid. So that begs the question – just… Read More »

Vehicle Leasing and Financing 2 – Why Equipment Financing Companies and Passenger Vehicles Don’t Mix.

Continuing our series regarding vehicle leasing and financing, let’s talk about something that my company gets asked all the time, but doesn’t engage in – leasing or financing passenger vehicles to companies. On the surface, it seems a little odd, right? Because there are many, many companies who use passenger cars. In fact, one of the perks for… Read More »