Tag Archives: equipment finance industry

Using Equipment Financing to Keep Pace With Your Competition

Next up in our series on “reasons to finance equipment in 2022”, let’s talk about using financing to keep pace with your competition. No matter what industry we are in, we always keep an eye on our competition. Which is smart – while we all like to think we’re “it” in terms of our industry, that isn’t true,… Read More »

Reasons to Finance Equipment in 2022 – Inflation and Rate Increase Hedge

Reasons to Finance Equipment in 2022 – Inflation and Rate Increase Hedge You’ve been reading the news, right? Inflation is here, and it’s not going away anytime soon. Here’s what this means for all of us: over the next year or three, we’re going to pay continually higher prices for just about everything. Or put another way, you’re… Read More »

Reasons to Finance Equipment in 2022 – New Technology

So there you are, running your company. 2020 was rocky, 2021 saw a stabilizing and somewhat “new normal” for your industry and revenues, and 2022 is starting to look better. You look at today’s mail, and in it is the bi-monthly print copy of your industry’s leading magazine. Every industry has one – some have went digital of… Read More »

What’s Hot in Equipment Financing in 2021

As many readers know, I’ve usually written my yearly “hot and not” posts in the spring or summer. However, I didn’t write one last year, because it seemed wrong when everything was shut down due to the pandemic. But here we are in 2021, COVID restrictions are easing (if not gone), and many industries are returning to normal.… Read More »