Tag Archives: equipment finance industry

Fletch’s Wish List 2022

Continuing with what has become a year-end holiday tradition, I’d like to present my wish list for 2022. It’s a little different than the wish list I sent my wife (this one doesn’t include the new Jimi Hendrix live album, although maybe it should!), but this list is definitely what I’d like to see industry and economy-wise. First… Read More »

Fletch Predicts: Rates Update

I usually don’t revisit my predictions midyear, but I want to make one further prediction for this year. And since I’m doing that, I may as well let you know I nailed my Warriors basketball prediction, my NHL prediction (Lightning) made the finals and my Mets prediction is looking pretty solid right now.  But the important one is… Read More »

What’s Hot in Equipment Financing in 2022

With more than half the year being over, it’s time for my “what’s hot in equipment financing” post. I’ll start out by saying “hot” is a relative term. The current climate of supply chain delays, shortages, and inflation basically mean nothing is really “hot” like we used to think of it. But there are a few industries and… Read More »

Yes You Should Still Borrow In a Higher Rate Environment

I had an interesting conversation right after the “big” June rate hike.  A customer was in the process of buying a new machine they needed, and the rate hike happened right in the middle of their “which of these two models should we buy?” discussion. And since like most businesses they were going to finance the machine, they… Read More »

Rising Interest Rates Works Both Ways

As many of us figured they would, the fed just raised interest rates again. This time by a half point, the largest single increase in two decades.  Many predicted these hikes, and if comments by pundits and economists are to be believed, rate hikes will continue for the foreseeable future.  That said, rising interest rates are not all… Read More »