Category Archives: Vendor Financing

Sellers of equipment, vehicles, and software… pay attention

Is it Time for a New Finance Partner? Part 2

Last post I talked about B2B vendors who see financing as a true revenue-driving component to their operations. And how we, as a finance partner, help them use financing to better drive sales. Here are a few specifics that we engage in with our finance partners who want to get more out of their financing program. First are… Read More »

Is it Time for a New Finance Partner? Part 1.

Every now and again, I’ll write about B2B equipment sellers offering financing. And I sometimes look back and think if someone read it at the time and listened, they did well. For example, I posted a “why aren’t you offering financing?” series in January of 2020. Just one month after I posted, we began hearing about a possible… Read More »

Fletch Predicts: Rates Update

I usually don’t revisit my predictions midyear, but I want to make one further prediction for this year. And since I’m doing that, I may as well let you know I nailed my Warriors basketball prediction, my NHL prediction (Lightning) made the finals and my Mets prediction is looking pretty solid right now.  But the important one is… Read More »

What’s Hot in Equipment Financing in 2022

With more than half the year being over, it’s time for my “what’s hot in equipment financing” post. I’ll start out by saying “hot” is a relative term. The current climate of supply chain delays, shortages, and inflation basically mean nothing is really “hot” like we used to think of it. But there are a few industries and… Read More »

Shortages Mean Opportunity Too

One thing that never changes is the media latches onto “bad” news much more than good news, and often, the bad news becomes the prevailing sentiment.  I’m not going to pretend I’m not influenced by that either – in this very blog I’ve recently been discussing shortages (both in materials and labor), rising inflation, rising interest rates, and… Read More »