Category Archives: Equipment Financing


Private Party Equipment Financing – Does Any Lender Do This?

Here’s another email I got from a prospective (and now) client. They were asking if we could finance a piece of equipment from a private party seller. And he was elated when our answer was “we’ll take a look” instead of a flat-out “no”. The reason he was elated is because this type of transaction is typically an… Read More »

How Old Can a Used Business Vehicle Be and Still Get Financed?

This was a question I was emailed the other day and I thought it would make a great blog post. The emailer asked “how old can a used vehicle be and still get financing?” He was asking about this because he was already turned down by another equipment financing company due to the vehicle’s age. He wanted to… Read More »

Fletch Predicts 2023

Happy New Year! Whew… that was some ride 2022 took us on. Between the Fed going wild on rate hikes to whispers of possible recession to fuel prices to Fletch finally hitting again on a sports prediction, 2022 was quite interesting. 2023 promises to be pretty unique, so let’s get to it with another year of Fletch Predicts,… Read More »