Category Archives: Equipment Financing


Equipment Leasing Terms and Phrases – Wrapping Up

Let’s wrap up our leasing terms and definitions series. We first gave an overview of equipment leasing in general, and then got into terms, phrases, and definitions. That was pretty interesting because I’m sure a lot of folks didn’t realize terms like “monthly rent” applied to equipment leases as well.  We then got into the wear and tear… Read More »

Equipment Leasing Terms and Phrases – Maintenance and Repair

For our ongoing series on equipment lease terms, phrases, and details, let’s discuss the maintenance and repair of your leased equipment. For simplicity, we can call this the “wear and tear” clause. The general purpose of this clause is related to the residual value I mentioned last post. When a lease agreement is made, the Lessor (that’s us)… Read More »

Equipment Leasing Terms and Fine Print Phrases – Definitions and Examples

In our ongoing series of getting into the details of equipment leasing agreements, I thought I’d start out with the basics: explaining and defining several notable equipment leasing terms. I’m going to stick to just a few essential terms that are important – you will find these all throughout any lease agreement, especially in the fine print. Lease… Read More »