Category Archives: Credit

Cash or Credit?

Free Credit Reports are Scary!!!

More and more, it seems there are TV commercials and internet ads offering to get you your credit report for free. But is it really free? Because if it is, who pays for those TV commercials? Of course these places aren’t free! Oh, they’ll get you a free credit report alright, it’s just that you have to sign… Read More »

When lenders compete, you’re the victim!

If you’ve spent any amount of time watching television, it’s likely you’ve seen the various commercials that purport to have banks and lending companies “compete” to offer you the lowest feasible rate. In the same vein, you may have also stumbled across online banner advertisements, promising unbelievably low monthly payments for mortgages or refinances. Regardless of whether they… Read More »

Well…-Long pause

Trust me, I don’t want to hear a heavy sigh immediatly after I ask “How’s your Credit History?” Technical- Credit is the provision of resources by one party to another party where the second party does not immediately pay the first party for the resources in full, thereby generating a debt, and instead arranges either to pay for… Read More »