Category Archives: Credit

Cash or Credit?

Why are credit card rates so high?

I get cornered at parties a lot and asked all kinds of financial questions. I guess if you work in any industry where “money” is involved, you become some kind of money expert. At least in the eyes of others. So the other day I get asked “Fletch, why are credit card rates so high, higher than things… Read More »

Good Debt vs Bad Debt

Being that I work in equipment finance, I need to clear a little something up in regards to debt: Contrary to what you might hear on the TV and such, debt is not evil, debt is not bad, and debt is not responsible for the economic slowdown. At least not good debt. What is Good Debt? What’s the… Read More »

Free Credit Reports are Scary!!!

More and more, it seems there are TV commercials and internet ads offering to get you your credit report for free. But is it really free? Because if it is, who pays for those TV commercials? Of course these places aren’t free! Oh, they’ll get you a free credit report alright, it’s just that you have to sign… Read More »