Category Archives: Credit

Cash or Credit?

The Connection Between Benchmark Rates and Loan Rates

The beginning is near the end!  I say that because in this series of “how do lenders arrive at interest rates?”, I’ve talked about different factors that affect the rate you pay. But where does that rate originate? It doesn’t start at zero (after all, money is never free).   In general terms, most lenders will utilize existing benchmark… Read More »

How Do Credit Scores and Other Risk Profiles Affect Rates?

In our ongoing series of lending factors that affect interest rates, let’s (finally) talk about credit scores and related risk factors. I say “finally” because to many people, the credit score is the be-all, end-all of borrowing. And it is true that credit scores and related risk factors are important, but not always in the way people think.   … Read More »

Bank Loan Restrictions – Annual Requalification (aka: “we’d like you to pay it all back right now.”)

I’ve been writing about bank loan restrictions and clauses for a few weeks now. We went over blanket liens and compensating balances, and now we’re going to talk about maybe the scariest one of all: annual requalification.  If you thought the bank saying “yes” when they gave you the loan was the end of them looking at your… Read More »

Bank Loan Restrictions – Compensating Balances (aka: money that’s yours but you can’t spend.)

Next up in our bank loan restrictions comes compensating balances. And it’s something nearly all banks use when loaning a business money for equipment financing.  A compensating balance is when a bank requires a business to keep a certain balance amount in an account with them. This balance amount is typically 80% of the equipment loan. The key… Read More »