Tag Archives: Equipment Financing

Section 179 Summer 2022

Shall we check in on Section 179 now that we’re past the midpoint of 2022?  Honestly, I feel bad for Section 179, because all I’m seeing in the news is inflation and rates. I hear about how everything costs more. But I never hear about the single best business incentive ever invented: our friend Section 179. But it’s… Read More »

What’s Hot in Equipment Financing in 2022

With more than half the year being over, it’s time for my “what’s hot in equipment financing” post. I’ll start out by saying “hot” is a relative term. The current climate of supply chain delays, shortages, and inflation basically mean nothing is really “hot” like we used to think of it. But there are a few industries and… Read More »

Yes You Should Still Borrow In a Higher Rate Environment

I had an interesting conversation right after the “big” June rate hike.  A customer was in the process of buying a new machine they needed, and the rate hike happened right in the middle of their “which of these two models should we buy?” discussion. And since like most businesses they were going to finance the machine, they… Read More »

TVM and Section 179

Quick question: If I offered you one of three choices: $5,000 cash right now, $5,000 in a few years, or $1,000 a year for five years, which would you take?  Most of you would say $5,000 right now, which is the correct answer. There are a lot of reasons why most people feel this is the correct answer.… Read More »