Category Archives: Vendor Financing

Sellers of equipment, vehicles, and software… pay attention

Using Equipment Financing to Sell More Equipment

One thing that’s always interested me is using equipment financing to help close sales. I see this up close, because besides offering financing directly to end users, my company also works with equipment manufacturers and distributors, providing financing to their customers (so when you look to buy a new widget and see “financing offered” on the manufacturer’s website,… Read More »

November 2014 and Section 179

I wish I had better news to report in terms of Section 179’s limits. But I don’t. It looks like we’re going to ride the year out with a $25,000 maximum deduction. Yes, there could be a post midterm election surprise, but time is running out, and congress has never been known to act speedy. In fact, “time”… Read More »

Vehicle Leasing and Financing 3 – So what type of vehicles DO equipment financing companies finance?

I talked last time about vehicle financing and leasing, and why equipment financing companies don’t finance passenger vehicles. The reason boiled down to these are not 100% business vehicles, and therefore come under the umbrella of “consumer debt” in the eyes of many, which almost all commercial lenders wish to avoid. So that begs the question – just… Read More »

How equipment finance companies protect themselves from faulty equipment

My last blog outlined a situation where a company buys equipment, doesn’t like it, and decides not to make their finance payments. Nobody wins in that scenario (and the company withholding payment is always in the wrong, as per finance agreements). In fact, this situation can be so dire, equipment financing companies like mine have learned to look… Read More »