Tag Archives: rates comparison

Two Important Economic Reasons Why It’s a Good Time to Finance Equipment (Especially Used Equipment)

I realize it sounds a little self-serving for me to say “it’s a good time to finance equipment”, but looking at economic conditions, there are two extremely compelling reasons why right now is a great time to finance equipment. And used equipment in particular.  The first is rates. I’m not a fortune teller, but I have been pretty… Read More »

The Connection Between Benchmark Rates and Loan Rates

The beginning is near the end!  I say that because in this series of “how do lenders arrive at interest rates?”, I’ve talked about different factors that affect the rate you pay. But where does that rate originate? It doesn’t start at zero (after all, money is never free).   In general terms, most lenders will utilize existing benchmark… Read More »

How Do Lenders Arrive at an Interest Rate?

In a recent blog about the recent rate cut, I wrote the following: Will borrowing costs come down? Not as fast as everyone would like. While lenders’ rates typically follow the Federal Funds Rate directionally, the relationship isn’t as straightforward as many might expect. Lenders adjust more slowly, cautiously, and incrementally than the Fed. A 50 basis point… Read More »