A Lesson from This Past Holiday Season

By | January 23, 2019
Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, the limits of Section 179

I read something interesting the other day. There were the usual “brick and mortar retailers vs. online shopping” articles that crop up right around the holidays, but there was a different tone this year.

As reported by CNN Business, brick and mortar retailers fought back against online sellers using “buy online / pick up in store”. This pleased me to no end, because not only do I like brick and mortar stores and want to see them survive, it’s also an excellent primer for any business looking at slumping sales: if you look hard enough and get creative, you may find the answer in an asset you already have.

In this case, Brick and Mortar Retailers looked at themselves and said “hey, wait a minute – we have physical stores. Let’s try and use that to our advantage in a different way.” And they did, using their physical presence to circumvent the 2-3 day shipping time wait.

So how does this relate to equipment financing? Glad you asked.

Answer me two questions:

  1. Does your company sell any kind of business equipment, vehicles, or software?
  2. Does your company have a website?

If you answered “yes” to both questions, then there’s an incredibly powerful (yet really simple) tool that can increase your sales right now. And that’s offering equipment financing right on your website.

Crest Capital has made it really easy to do this (it can literally take less than five minutes). You need not get involved in approvals, payments, or anything like that. In fact, you get paid right away, just like always – the difference is, you make it much easier for your B2B customers to buy from you.

I’ve discussed equipment vendors offering financing to increase sales before in this blog, but it’s such a game changer for so many companies that I like to revisit it every so often. And reading that Brick and Mortar article made me think of it today – there are solutions to almost any business problem if you look hard enough, and sometimes, it’s using what you already have a little differently. In this case, your company website.

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