One question I get asked all the time is “will my company be approved for financing equipment”? Or better still, “can I get a pre-approval for equipment financing?”

These are always tricky questions to answer without knowing all the details for a company. However, the questions have merit, and they are asked often enough that yes, there should be some way for a company to self-assess itself to see if they can get approved for an equipment loan.
So this was brought up in a company meeting, and to my surprise, almost everyone else got those same “will I be approved” questions over and over. So Crest Capital got to work, and are proud to announce what we feel is the best online self-assessment for equipment financing available. You can check it out right here.
Now obviously, there is no self-assessment for any kind of financing that is bulletproof. But we’ve taken the main business loan criteria and programmed them into a simple (and fun) business credit assessment. Going through it will give companies an excellent idea whether they will qualify for equipment financing.
But we went one step further. Whenever there’s a business credit tool of any kind (whether official or self-assessment), the saying “no” part is always tricky. So if a company’s self-assessment does not quite meet our criteria (e.g., no startups / etc.), they are shown several credit options that may be able to help them. We feel it’s the least we can do, and truthfully, we want all businesses to succeed, even those we can’t finance equipment for.
In our connected, always online world, we feel offering tools that help companies help themselves will always have merit. So for equipment financing, we led the way with offering a “will I be approved” equipment financing self-assessment. And we’re proud of that.