It’s September 2019, and that’s an important milestone for us. Because Crest Capital started business in September of 1989, which makes us… 30!
30 years is a very solid milestone for a business. To make 30 years, you need tenacity, a clear vision, a commitment to great service, and maybe even a little luck. And we’ve had all of those in our three decades.
Of those, a commitment to great service is the biggest key. Because every business needs customers, and it’s rare to see a business survive long-term relying on only new customers. To survive years and decades, you need customers that come back again and again, and tell others as well. And happy customers do exactly that.
We’ve built our reputation on speed and ease. Since our first days in 1989, we got small businesses approved for financing fast, and without reams of paperwork or crippling restrictions. We became an oasis in an industry otherwise known for slow approvals and excessive liens. Our customers got the equipment financing they needed fast, with personal service, and easy terms. And when they needed more equipment, an overwhelming percentage came back. In fact, looking over our files, some of our customers have been with us since the beginning, and that makes us very proud.
We’ve seen a few changes too. When we began, there was no commercial internet, so faxes and overnight courier were stalwarts. They’re still with us, but of course, e-mail has taken over as the communication workhorse. Our website works super hard as well, and we’ve extended this technology to our vendor partners, manufacturers and distributors. This way, they can offer branded “monthly payments available” right on their own websites. Their customers can get a payment quote and apply for financing immediately, which makes a big difference in their sales.
But all this tech talk doesn’t mean it’s all 0’s and 1’s. We still have real people answering the phones, and keep that personal contact with our customers. Because a friendly voice always helps. In thirty years, that hasn’t changed one bit.
Another large part of making it to thirty years is not only the people we’ve served, but also the people we work with. We’re proud to be a place people want to work, and it’s apparent in everyone’s performance. In plain terms, happy employees are better employees, and better employees serve customers better.
Will we make it another thirty years? We think so. That’s the plan anyway.