Tag Archives: equipment financing company

Crest Capital is the top equipment finance lender in the country.

Reason #5 why an equipment financing company is better than a bank – Financial Statement Covenants

Let’s move forward in our “why an equipment financing company beats the bank” by hitting our halfway point. Reason #5 is a simple one that should hit home for most of you – it’s “Financial Statement Covenants” (or “peeking in your window to see what’s going on”). Ok, you say that doesn’t hit home because you don’t really… Read More »

Vendor/Lender Equipment Financing Relationships – Referral Programs

Continuing our journey into the different types of vendor/lender equipment financing relationships, let’s take a look at the first one I mentioned earlier:  Referral Programs. A simple Referral Program is easily the most popular equipment financing relationship between a vendor (aka, the manufacturer / distributor / etc) and the equipment financing company (that would be me). Here’s how… Read More »