Tag Archives: equipment financing company

Crest Capital is the top equipment finance lender in the country.

Section 179 and Equipment Financing (a marriage made in heaven)

I’ve talked about the beautiful combination of Equipment Financing and Section 179 previously in my blog, but to save you the trouble of searching, I’d just as soon write about it again. Truthfully, just thinking about this make my heart go pitter-patter (they say in springtime, a young man’s fancy turns to love. But in my world, a… Read More »

Reason #10 why an equipment financing company is better than a bank – NO RE-QUALIFYING EVERY YEAR

And here we are – the long-awaited conclusion to my “10 reasons why an equipment financing company is better than a bank”. So let’s waste no time and end the suspense: reason 10 is the simple fact that an equipment financing or equipment leasing company will not ask you to re-qualify for the loan every year. And the… Read More »

Reason #8 why an equipment financing company is better than a bank: Accounting and Tax – Your accountant will love us

I want to continue forward in our series of why an equipment finance company is better than a bank. But first, I want to talk about Mel. Mel was a guy I knew at one of my old jobs way back when. In fact, Mel was the head of accounting. I was in purchasing or something like that… Read More »

Reason #7 why an equipment financing company is better than a bank – No Hidden Charges

Let’s move forward with our series on why an equipment financing company is better than a bank. Today’s reason is one we all know too well – hidden charges. To put this simply, the bank will typically have a bevy of hidden charges, where an equipment financing company will have none. Here’s what you can expect with the… Read More »

Reason #6 why an equipment financing company is better than a bank – Preserving Credit Availability

We’ve covered a lot so far in my “why an equipment financing company is better than the bank” series, and we’ll move into our second half today with reason 6, which is “preserving your credit availability”. Basically, what I mean by this is the fact that while I think an equipment financing company is MUCH better than the… Read More »