Category Archives: Business Vehicle Financing

All Things Titled – Vehicles and Trailers

It’s Not Used – It’s Preowned

My last post on used equipment financing spurred a recent memory. Mrs. Fletch and I were shopping for a vehicle awhile back, and we were undecided on whether we should buy a new or a used car. There were plusses and minuses to each, so we decided to look at both. We went to the local dealership, test… Read More »

One more thing on vehicle leasing – a funny phone call we received

Being in the equipment financing business, we get a ton of interesting phone calls. And one we got last week qualifies as interesting, and also because I’ve been blogging a lot about automobile leasing, fits perfectly into a blog post. To first set the stage, I was recently discussing vehicle leasing and financing and similar, and what type… Read More »

Vehicle Leasing and Financing 3 – So what type of vehicles DO equipment financing companies finance?

I talked last time about vehicle financing and leasing, and why equipment financing companies don’t finance passenger vehicles. The reason boiled down to these are not 100% business vehicles, and therefore come under the umbrella of “consumer debt” in the eyes of many, which almost all commercial lenders wish to avoid. So that begs the question – just… Read More »