A Software Financing Wrinkle

I’ve recently blogged about industries that equipment financing companies avoid. I’ve also talked quite a bit in this blog about financing software, as it’s something that usually doesn’t spring to mind when people think about equipment financing. However, as much as we like financing software, there is a place where these two topics do overlap. And it’s at… Read More »


Why Telemedicine Cart Financing Matters

I want to discuss an industry (and equipment) that may seem somewhat unfamiliar to you, but makes perfect sense in a “that’s where technology is taking us” view. It’s the telemedicine industry, and it’s definitely changing the way physicians operate (pun not really intended, but unavoidable). Telemedicine is a broad term for using technology with a communication slant… Read More »


Third Quarter Section 179 Update

We’re coming to the end of the third quarter of 2016, which means it’s time to start taking a hard look at Section 179. As most of you know, Section 179 was given a big boost for 2016 (and beyond). The maximum deduction was permanently raised to $500,000, and the maximum equipment purchase was raised all the way… Read More »


Industries All Lenders Avoid

I get questions all the time regarding why lenders don’t like specific industries or business types. It’s a touchy topic, because basically, there’s no way around talking about stereotypes and hurting people’s feelings. If I say “industry XYZ has a high failure rate, and therefore is a bad credit risk”, to people IN industry XYZ… well, you just… Read More »


Why Financing Specialty Retail Software Matters

Here’s my second post on financing retail equipment to better help a retailor compete. When we last left my pet supply store friend, he had upgraded all of the shelving fixtures and displays in his stores. Now it was time to venture into the world of cyberspace and perhaps dip his toe into online ordering and similar. This… Read More »
