This is Growth

Let’s meet Chuck.  Chuck owns a construction company, and over the last 17 years, has financed equipment four times with Crest Capital. Chuck’s first deal was in 2005. He was, I think, a three-person company at the time. He and two friends got together a few years prior doing contracting work, and also subbed out to some larger… Read More »


Rising Interest Rates Works Both Ways

As many of us figured they would, the fed just raised interest rates again. This time by a half point, the largest single increase in two decades.  Many predicted these hikes, and if comments by pundits and economists are to be believed, rate hikes will continue for the foreseeable future.  That said, rising interest rates are not all… Read More »


TVM and Section 179

Quick question: If I offered you one of three choices: $5,000 cash right now, $5,000 in a few years, or $1,000 a year for five years, which would you take?  Most of you would say $5,000 right now, which is the correct answer. There are a lot of reasons why most people feel this is the correct answer.… Read More »


Shortages Mean Opportunity Too

One thing that never changes is the media latches onto “bad” news much more than good news, and often, the bad news becomes the prevailing sentiment.  I’m not going to pretend I’m not influenced by that either – in this very blog I’ve recently been discussing shortages (both in materials and labor), rising inflation, rising interest rates, and… Read More »


Reasons to Finance Equipment in 2022 – Section 179

One more reason to finance equipment in 2022 is my old favorite, Section 179. It makes more sense than ever to take advantage of Section 179. All you have to do is read my past few blog posts – there you find talk of rate increases, record inflation, increased lead times, and even used equipment costing more.  All… Read More »
