Easily one of the costliest parts of lending are defaults. In short, lenders look to avoid defaults at all costs, since they can be crippling.
Defaults are when borrowers, at some point in the loan’s life, cease making their payments. For this post, the reasons why are immaterial – at the end of the day, all that matters is the lender is out not only a (sometimes large) portion of the money they lent, but they are also out of the expected revenue from the interest. Since most businesses use some form of projected/expected income to operate, this is doubly bad for a lender. And no, “writing it off” does not make a lender whole by any stretch.
But it isn’t just the money/revenue lost. Most of the time, there was some form of collateral involved with the loan, which now must be repossessed. This costs money, as someone has to be paid to collect it. One other issue here: Since the borrower is generally in some kind of financial straits, this is typically not a pleasant experience.
In addition, in most cases, the collateral does not make the lender whole. They still need to sell the item, and they almost never recoup even close to what is owed.
There’s another aspect to defaults that often goes unnoticed by those outside the lending industry: how defaults make a lender look to regulators. Too many defaults will often bring increased regulation on the lender, and increase their capital requirements. Nevermind that perhaps the defaults were an anomaly and not really the lender’s fault. That won’t matter to the regulators; to them, the lender is writing too many risky loans and will be treated as such.
Lenders use an immense amount of data to qualify borrowers, and, much like the insurance industry, attempt to predict default rates based on various lending criteria and borrower/loan profiles. Now, of course, lenders can’t predict which specific borrowers may default, but they do have to honor what the data tells them about the aggregate. These predicted default rates are factored into the lender’s overhead and become part of the rate equation.
Despite the lender’s best efforts and the borrower’s best intentions, defaults in the lending industry are inevitable and must be accounted for.