To Whom Am I Speaking?

By | October 15, 2007

One evening, a memorable exchange with a friend’s 5-year-old daughter set me on a path of self-reflection: “To whom am I speaking?” she asked. This brought me to an essential question – who am I in the professional sphere, particularly in equipment financing? More importantly, why does it matter to you?

Let’s break this down: I am a seasoned credit analyst who has been navigating the world of capital equipment financing for over eight years. But why should you, the reader, care about this? It’s simple. I strive to provide clarity and understanding in the often complex and dynamic realm of equipment financing, bringing a certain order to the business finance chaos.

I’ve come to realize that many people do not fully grasp what my job entails, which is why I believe it’s crucial to spell it out, especially as I aim to share insights and guidance in this expansive digital universe.

A while ago, in a college paper, I compared finance to one of the world’s oldest professions, illustrating the timeless relevance of our field. In layman’s terms, I am your go-to person when your business needs to acquire equipment and requires finance solutions, which I facilitate in partnership with equipment vendors.

We service a wide range of industries, from enabling the procurement of printing presses and machine tools to funding prepackaged and custom software solutions – a service few equipment finance companies can boast of.

These days, I spend more time on educating and training rather than direct selling, which has led me to this blog. Here, I aim to chronicle my journey, share insights, and hopefully answer a host of questions that small and medium-sized business owners might have about equipment financing.