Oh my goodness, it’s 2020! Wasn’t 2007 just a few years ago? It certainly seems like it.

But no, the calendar is flipping again, and that means it’s time for the 2020 edition of Fletch Predicts.
The first thing I usually do is sports predictions. I was on a bit of a streak 2-3 years ago, having nailed several in a row, but came up dry the last few years. This is the year we get back on track.
As you read this, the NFL playoffs are the big news. And Fletch says The Big Easy is poised for another title. Yes, we’re going with the New Orleans Saints. I know everyone is on the Baltimore Ravens bandwagon and their world-class quarterback Lamar Jackson, but I’m going with the old vet in Drew Brees.
I have been on a Yankees World Series win prediction for a few years, which has fallen short, but I see no reason to stop now. So in 2020, the world’s most popular (and despised) baseball team wins another title. Especially since they signed a true #1 ace in Gerrit Cole.
For the first time in many years, basketball is wide open. The conventional wisdom says pick the LA Lakers and LeBron, but I’m going with the “other” LA team – the Clippers take it home, and win one for Steve Ballmer, a notoriously good / fun guy. I’d love to hang out with Steve for a day.
Hockey… easily the toughest to predict. It seems every year, any one of a dozen teams can legitimately win the most famous trophy in sports, Lord Stanley’s Cup. I do not like picking the same city twice, but the NY Islanders seem to have a little magic. We’ll go with them.
Ok, let’s talk economy. We’ve been riding quite the high since 2016. Regardless of your political leanings, it’s undeniable that businesses in general have been doing well these past few years.
Myself (and pretty much everyone else) thought “The Fed” would increase rates in 2019 (after four increases in 2018). Instead, they were lowered three times. So your guess is as good as mine as to what will happen – right now, I think things will remain static for a while. The upcoming presidential election will carry a lot of buzz, so hopefully the Federal Reserve takes a little break.
I predicted a few years ago that Virtual Reality technology would take a big leap. I was a little early, but 2020 looks to be a big year for VR, because we’re now starting to see wireless VR headsets. THAT’S the key – make it easy, comfortable, and keep users un-tethered. These things will fly off shelves next holiday season.
Ok, there are my predictions for 2020. Hopefully, if you visit Vegas you’ll take some advice, and also buy some stock in VR companies.
Oh, and finance equipment now while the rates are low!