It's Tax Day!

Hello, dear readers! Just a friendly reminder for those who might need it – Today is Tax Day! Considered one of the most significant dates for us financial folks, especially those of us deeply involved in equipment finance, this day carries considerable importance. If you haven’t already, now’s the time to file your 2007 tax return. If, for… Read More »


The Internet and Equipment Financing

Today’s post is about the internet and equipment financing, and comes from three different thoughts, all jumbled together into a tidy little package. · The first thought is related to last weeks post about odd equipment financing. · The second was born from a particular movie I was watching (you all know I like movies.) · The third… Read More »


What "They" Don’t Want You to Know

I mentioned a few weeks ago that equipment financing companies (or equipment leasing companies, if you prefer) will finance equipment of all kinds. Almost anything that a UCC can be filed on can be financed. So that got me thinking, and I looked back and found some of the more obscure equipment that I’ve seen financed. Now keep… Read More »


Equipment Financing and Lead Aggregators

I’ve been reading some articles lately about lead aggregators, and how they are bad for you. To give a quick and dirty breakdown, lead aggregators are those companies that profess to get you a mortgage and/or lower your bills if you fill out an online form (and they lure you in with the irresistible dancing shadows banner. How… Read More »


My Top 5 Financial Movies

Proving that there’s more to Fletch than just business, I thought I’d take a detour from my search for the most peculiar thing I’ve ever financed (though that story is still on its way) to talk about films. However, in keeping with the spirit of “The Lease Guy” blog, I’ll focus on my top five films with financial… Read More »
