Vehicle leasing and financing – what’s the difference?

I’m pretty sure I talked about this before, but if I have, it was years ago. And since Fletch has a ton of new readers since then, this is a great topic to revisit from time to time. Have you ever financed or leased a car or truck? Most of you probably have – they are easily the… Read More »


What Happens to Repossessed Equipment?

A few recent posts have explored what happens when someone doesn’t pay back their equipment financing company. And, at one point, I mentioned repossessing the equipment. And that opens up the door for one last post on the subject – how do we repossess the equipment, and after repossessing it, just what do we do with the equipment… Read More »


How equipment finance companies protect themselves from faulty equipment

My last blog outlined a situation where a company buys equipment, doesn’t like it, and decides not to make their finance payments. Nobody wins in that scenario (and the company withholding payment is always in the wrong, as per finance agreements). In fact, this situation can be so dire, equipment financing companies like mine have learned to look… Read More »
