The Tax Cut and Section 179 Double Dip

I was reading the other day about how businesses were using the tax dollars from the Tax Cut and Jobs act passed last December. The “reports”, predictably, are conflicting. Some publications claim business spending is up. Others are critical, saying businesses are not using those funds to invest in themselves. Personally, being in the industry, I believe the… Read More »


Shark Tank Financing

I want to discuss a particular aspect of equipment financing that many businesspeople really don’t understand. And that’s the difference between what I call “straight” financing (like what my company and other lending institutions do), and speculative / investor type financing (like venture capital / TV shows like Shark Tank, etc.) I need to write about this because… Read More »


Bank Restrictions Jail

I’m not really a salesperson at heart, but whenever I talk with a small business owner, I’m probably going to bring up equipment financing. Not so much because I want to bring another client on board (but that never hurts), but more because I truly believe in it. Equipment financing / equipment leasing are far and away the… Read More »


New Section 179 Changes Explained by the IRS

I know a sizable portion of readers here rely on Fletch to bring them the latest Section 179 news. After all, I’m sometimes called the “Section 179 Geek” by friends and colleagues, and yes, I’m guilty of that. I simply think it’s an awesome business tax deduction that should be utilized each and every year by each and… Read More »


Improve Your Company in Different Ways

I’ve recently written about the strong small business economy, and improving your company. But I realized my thinking was somewhat limited in what I was suggesting. For example, I was discussing adding machines, trucks, etc., and combining such with equipment financing and Section 179. Now, while those are perfectly good ways to improve your business, a strong economy,… Read More »
