Using Online Tax Calculators

Just like someone who can’t resist snooping Holiday gifts, there are millions of people who want to know as soon as possible how much they will get back on their taxes (or, how much they will owe, which is the IRS equivalent to excitedly opening your biggest, shiniest present; only to find it held a grow- from-home pickle… Read More »


Software Financing and Software Leasing

The title to today’s post isn’t a misprint, although you wouldn’t be alone if you were indeed unfamiliar with the terms. This is because most people aren’t aware that yes, a company can lease or finance software. I’m not kidding, you really can. Now, keep in mind we aren’t talking MS Office here or such. Software like that… Read More »


Get the IRS to Pay for Your Mac

OSX & Windows in One Box- A Web Developers Dream Ever since apple began using Intel Chips, their computers have been an even hotter buy for programmers, graphic designers, and most web people (other than adult entertainment.) Being able to code or design using OSX and testing with parallels and windows puts everything you need for the web… Read More »


Residuals (continued)

In a prior post, I covered the difference between apples and oranges and how oranges taste so much better. Never mind that was on another blog, I did however cover the differences between a lease and a loan, and as promised, I wanted to clarify some of the common residual types. In review: A Lease by definition must… Read More »


Free Money

Is there such a thing as free money??? The answer is simply, yes and no. Not so simple right? Well what in life is? Ahhh, the sounds of 4th quarter – every good (and not-so-good) sales rep is making that final year-end push – and if you watch any amount of TV at all, you’ll start to see… Read More »
